CNA certification in North Dakota

You are entering into an important job in the healthcare industry if you have decided to become a certified nursing assistant.  Although this job is not always glamorous, your will make the difference in the lives of patients and residents of nursing care and healthcare facilities.  It is necessary to enter into a North Dakota accredited training program before you can sit for the nursing assistant certification test.

Training Hours and Requirements

Locate a nursing assistant training program that has been approved and as such meets all curriculum criteria set forth by the state.  These programs will cover a minimum of 75 hours of instruction. This meets the minimum requirements set forth by federal regulations.  There are training programs in the state of North Dakota that cover even more training hours.

Some of your training will take place in classroom.  Other training will be set completing labs.  You will also have hands on training in clinical environments.  Nursing assistant training programs are often held at nursing care facilities and other healthcare facilities.  The training programs for nursing assistants are designed to train individuals to work as well qualified nursing assistants.

CNA Certification Renewal

You will be sent a post card about 60 days prior to the expiration date of your certification. The post card will give you instructions on how to renew on-line. The instructions can also be found at: along with the link to the on-line renewal site.

Nursing assistant certifications are valid for twenty-four months in North Dakota. In order to renew your certification, you need to have worked for pay a total of 8 hours as a nursing assistant in the last 24 months. The hours do not need to be consecutive, as long as you have worked as a nursing assistant for at least a total of 8 hours. Of course, you need to be listed in good standing on the Nursing Aide Registry in the state of North Dakota. You cannot have any complaints of abuse or misconduct to renew your license.

CNA Certification transfer through Endorsement to North Dakota

If you are a certified nursing assistant in another state and are moving to North Dakota, you can apply for reciprocity through the CNA registry in North Dakota. In order to transfer your certification, you must be listed as active and in good standing on the registry in your former state.

You will need to complete the Certified Nurse Aide Registry Endorsement form at: Complete the entire form and submit it via email, fax or mail.  There is no fee to apply for reciprocity. The CNA registry of North Dakota will contact your former state registry to verify that your certification is active and in good standing. If you filled out your application completely, it will only take a few days to process.

Question:  Would North Dakota allow me to work as a CNA if my certification has not yet lapsed in South Dakota and I am moving to North Dakota?

Answer:  You can certainly apply to have your certification transferred to North Dakota.  You can obtain details on how to apply from the Nurse Aide Registry in North Dakota.  In order for your application to be considered, you will need to verify that your CNA certification is still in good standing as well as current/active in the other state.  You will need to show that you attended a state approved course in your other state successfully.  It is also necessary to verify that you passed the CNA competency exam in that state.  Proof of employment as a CNA in the other state should also be provided when you are applying to transfer your certification to North Dakota.


North Dakota Department of Health Division of Health Facilities
600 East Boulevard Avenue, Dept. 301, Bismarck, ND 58505

One Response to CNA certification in North Dakota

  1. denise November 30, 2011 at 2:40 pm #

    asking how do i get ahold of someone to ask them about what form i have to fill out in order to transfer my CNA license from nebraska to north dakota…

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