CNA Classes By State

When you are looking to start a career as a certified nursing assistant, you will need to take CNA classes.  After completing a training class, you will then need to take and pass the CNA certification exam.  There are a variety of options available to you if you are looking to take CNA classes.

Some community colleges and vocational colleges offer courses to train you to become a nursing assistant.  There are healthcare providers that offer training programs for those who are looking to become a CNA.  Online CNA courses are available.  The Red Cross is another organization that offers certified nursing assistant training (in select cities).

The basic curriculum for CNA classes will be similar because courses must be designed to meet requirements set forth by the state and federal nursing boards.  The length and intensity of certified nursing assistant training can vary depending on the path you are taking to receive your certification.  Tuition for CNA training will differ from one program to another.

For a list of training centers in your state, select from the list below:

Where to Get CNA Training

CNA training through a healthcare provider is often available to you if you want to work for that particular healthcare facility.  They will provide you with training if you agree to work for the healthcare provider for a specific amount of time.  Of course, you can continue to work for that employer after the minimum time period is met.  It is common to be able to receive CNA training at long-term care facilities, through home health agencies and even at some hospitals.

The American Red Cross offers CNA classes in about 36 different cities throughout the United States.  They provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to pursue a career as a nursing assistant.  Their training programs are excellent and you will be well prepared for your certification exam upon completion of the Red Cross Training.

Many community colleges offer CNA training classes.  These classes can last several weeks or even several months. Typically, these training courses are non-credit courses. You will become a certified nursing assistant after completing all training and passing the exam.

There are online CNA training programs as well.  You will be able to complete much of the work that you would normally complete in a classroom and lecture setting online.  Of course, your hands on training will need to be completed in a healthcare setting.

Criteria For Choosing A CNA School:

Finding a CNA school or CNA training program is not a process that should be taken lightly.  There is a list of criteria you should look for when considering prospective training programs.

I.  A CNA program must be approved/certified by the state where you are working to become certified with the ability to work as a CNA.  If a program is not a state approved program, you will not be able to sit for the nursing assistant certification competency exam once you finish training.  Therefore, it would not be possible to work as a certified aide. instructor

II.  Find a CNA school that is able to offer flexible schedule opportunities.  If you work during the day for instance, you do not want a course that offers only daytime classes.  Search for programs that have both day or evening courses.  You can also seek programs that provide for weekend training opportunities in full or at least in part.

III.  When considering criteria for a great CNA school, you will want to consider the experience and expertise of the training staff for each potential program.  CNA programs should be taught by nurses.  Most states will require that the instructor be a Registered Nurse.  Look for programs with instructors who have several years experience working as nurses as well as multiple years as a CNA instructor.

IV.  Ask prospective schools for statistical information for their program.  For example, what percentage of individuals who enroll in the program end up completing the CNA course in its entirety?  Look for schools with the highest percentages.  Check to see what percent of students pass the CNA competency exam on the first try.  Once again, you will want the programs with the highest success rates on the first or second tries.

V.  Review carefully the clinical opportunities provided by CNA programs of interest.  Some programs offer more clinical hours than others.  You will find that the level of hands on experience provided can vary greatly between CNA programs.  Look for a program that will offer you as much experience as possible performing CNA duties before you sit for your nursing assistant certification exam.

VI. When considering criteria for a good CNA school, find schools with the best reviews and feedback.  You want to attend a nursing assistant program that current and prior students speak of positively.  Do not consider a school with more negative than positive reviews.  If you have heard good things about the school from a CNA you know personally, this makes the great reviews or ratings even more valuable.

VII.  Search for a nursing assistant training program that has a strong history of placement of graduates.  An ideal school is one where a large percentage of graduates find work as nursing assistants after obtaining their certification.  Ideally, graduates will find a job within a short period of time.  Consider looking for schools that even offer some job placement services.

Final Considerations

Your nursing assistant training will prepare you for the certification examination that you must pass.  The test will have a written portion as well as a skills portion where you will demonstrate your ability to perform a variety of tasks.  You will need to pass this test in order to receive your certification.

25 Responses to CNA Classes By State

  1. mike lucas October 5, 2010 at 6:58 pm #

    hi, would like to become a cna i love working with people to help them get better.

    • Jodecy May 9, 2011 at 10:13 am #

      Glad I’ve finally found something I agree with!

    • jonise January 28, 2014 at 4:23 am #

      would like to become a cna i love working with people to help them get better .
      if want to a training for CNA what i can do ?

  2. Daryl Shepard October 29, 2010 at 3:05 am #

    i have completed cna training before through boise samaritan village in 1999 or 2000 not sure which, and would like to take the course again and get a renewal of my cna certification. i am positive i can be of great help to the boise samaritan village caring for brain injured or elderly residents. please email me back for instructions on how and where i can start courses. thanks Daryl.

  3. mariah November 18, 2011 at 8:22 pm #

    Hi, I’d like to become a CNA . I would like to know more about what the program has to offer. I am positive that I can help the elderly and those with dementia and other disorders. I also guarantee that I have very good patience and that I am willing to accept the daily challenges that is within this job field.

  4. Mandy Raymond December 1, 2011 at 7:54 pm #

    Would love to be a CNA I love to work with people.

  5. Sarah Mackey April 5, 2012 at 4:20 am #

    What are the pros and cons to doing an online course vs. a classroom course during the summer?

  6. rutie lee April 7, 2012 at 12:05 pm #

    I need a stable job and love helping people

  7. Akleema Ramdeen May 4, 2012 at 4:18 am #

    I was wondering if their are any free CNA classes in Schenectady. It just so hard to get any free classes nowadays.If anyone do know one please reply.

  8. NIXZALIZ SUERO May 17, 2012 at 5:30 pm #


  9. taffy June 9, 2012 at 4:31 pm #

    so i was wondering how i go about taking classes and where/

  10. Amanda MOrgan June 14, 2012 at 4:25 am #

    Is there a way to train to become a cna without paying for it, such as working while you train. I did this before. Or if I cannot find a job is there any other way?

  11. Annie Masaki July 9, 2012 at 8:18 pm #

    Been trying to apply for Care Giver but I can’t because I have no experience. Are there any free trainings here at Spokane Washington? I so need to train. l love working with people, and of course, I love working with elders.

  12. bryan lee October 27, 2012 at 3:13 am #

    Im a Filipino and i want to work as a CNA. how? do i need to apply for student visa for the training?

  13. avion November 15, 2012 at 6:25 pm #

    I was employed as a HHA in New York. I have recently moved to Georgia and was wondering if I can transfer it.

  14. Rosemary Savage January 11, 2013 at 7:05 pm #

    I was a cna, but haven’t worked in 4 years. Are there any free clesses I can take on line, or in Champaign, IL. available

  15. Marisol Milam January 14, 2013 at 3:15 am #

    I’m a Filipino and love to be a CNA and love to be working with people. Is there any other way that I could have a free training?

  16. Lina January 31, 2013 at 3:04 pm #

    I have problem, I was previously certified as a MA, CNA, HHA, venipuncture and I have now moved to a different state. I challenged the board when I lived in North Carolina and was re-certified.
    Anyone knows where I can challenge the board on take refresher courses according the Florida’s standard?

  17. Ihearta February 15, 2013 at 10:39 pm #

    I would like to be a cna nurse because i like to help people get well

  18. Lilian Merino April 12, 2013 at 11:24 pm #

    I am unemployed and I am looking for free or low payments cna classes.I live on Van Nuys, California.Your wedsite said is free but when you call it is more then thousand. ?

  19. Jessica Mccombs April 15, 2013 at 12:32 am #

    I want to become a cna. I already work in the hospital in the dietary part. So I already got my foot in the door. I can’t wait to find a class close to Me.

  20. Marsha McCroden September 9, 2013 at 4:18 pm #

    I’ve been taking care of my mom since December 20, 2012. I’ve been urged to take CNA Training and licensing, but I don’t know what schools to start with. Right now I stay with mom on Cleveland’s East Side (44112) but live on the West Side (44126). Can anyone help??

  21. linda November 30, 2013 at 5:10 pm #

    looking for nursing home to work in to gain cna skills, I love working with people,please reply with some information to help.

  22. Zella Haire February 19, 2014 at 11:48 pm #

    Hello, I am interested in changing my career/degree. I enjoy helping and being with people and feel becoming a CNA is an excellent career change opportunity. My concern is finding work in a nursing home or hospital for on the job training as a CNA in Indianola, MS; Cleveland, MS; or Greenville, MS. Also I have heard that the one’s State Unemployment Center may be able to assist with training and costs through the Workforce Investment Act. If anyone can any information or help I would appreciate it. Thank you.

    • karen kostigen April 23, 2014 at 5:19 pm #

      Hello, I am interested in changing my career/degree. I enjoy helping and being with people and feel becoming a CNA is an excellent career change opportunity

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